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Social Considerations

According to a study published in 2010 by the Journal of Adolescent Health, the risk of bullying ran 30 percent higher in those children with a disability or chronic disease.

Bullying is recognized as a potentially serious threat to the healthy development of children. Administrators and teachers must be aware that bullying should be taken seriously and not tolerated as a "natural part of growing up." Most schools have an anti-bullying protocol. Bullying can happen to anyone, anywhere, and can cause serious emotional, educational, and physical harm.

Bullying is a public health issue.
—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Bullying can be:

  • Physical, such as hitting, kicking, shoving, punching, and spitting.
  • Less direct, such as blocking, following, or encircling a victim as he or she passes by.
  • Verbal, such as name calling and spreading rumors
  • Emotional, such as intimidation or social exclusion.
  • Cyber, such as through email, text messages, and social media.

While bullying often takes the form of verbal threats and abuse, physical violence does happen. For anyone with a bleeding disorder, this behavior can be very dangerous.

For more information, go to Sticking Up for Yourself.