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Effects of Puberty on Boys With a Bleeding Disorder

During puberty, it's common for boys to have rapid growth spurts. These quick changes in weight and height may affect how much factor a boy needs. This rapid growth can cause growing pains and clumsiness, which can lead to falls and injuries, as well.

Body Image and Self-Esteem

Body image becomes very important during preadolescence. Preteens and teens begin to pay more and more attention to their appearance and they often compare themselves to their peers. They may wonder how their bleeding disorder affects their physical appearance, function, and mobility. Teenaged boys can be very sensitive about their body image and sense of masculinity.

If a bleeding disorder affects their appearance or attracts unwanted attention, children may be more likely to face emotional struggles. They may be self-conscious about bruises, needle marks, or swollen joints. Needing crutches or a wheelchair can worsen feelings of being different.

Remind your child that he is a normal human being who just happens to have a bleeding disorder.

Help your child focus on strengths, not on any physical limitations.

Tips on how to help your child build self-esteem:

  • Encourage your child to express feelings about his bleeding disorder and its treatment.
  • Encourage safe physical activity.
    • Participation in physical activities and sports is an important way of encouraging independence, promoting teamwork, and enhancing self-esteem and a healthy body image.
  • Help your child
    • Identify personal characteristics and abilities that enhance self-esteem.
    • Cope with negative reactions from others.
    • View the bleeding disorder as only one aspect of his body image.