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One of the issues faced by families affected by a bleeding disorder is sharing information with others at school. Some children may be very open about their bleeding disorder while others are more private.

This section of Next Step offers parents guidance on who in the school system should know about their child’s bleeding disorder and offers youngsters tips and suggestions on talking about their bleeding disorder with their peers.

Telling Others About Your Child’s Bleeding Disorder

One of the biggest challenges in transitioning to a new school is disclosure — letting people know about your child’s bleeding disorder. Right now, your child is at an age of asserting more independence, finding an unique identity, and making new friends. Your child will want to fit in with new peers, and this will affect if — or how — he or she decides to tell friends and classmates about the bleeding disorder.

Some children are very open and readily tell friends about their bleeding disorder. Some use their knowledge about bleeding disorders and their experiences for class assignments. This information can make for a great science project, health report, or personal essay. Other children want complete privacy. They may want only the school nurse and administrators to know or they may tell only a few of their closest friends.

Be sure your child knows that you respect his or her decision about disclosure. But remember: it's your responsibility to tell certain people about your child's bleeding disorder in order to keep your child safe.

Yet, just as babysitters, day care personnel, pre- and grade-school principals and teachers must know about a child’s bleeding disorder and what to do in an emergency, so do middle- and high-school staff members. Remember, your responsibility is to make sure that the school staff is aware of your child’s bleeding disorder in case of an emergency.