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Preparedness Tips

General Tips

Here are some basic to dos for people with bleeding disorders. Parents should be certain these precautions are in place.

  • Have the person with the bleeding disorder wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace.
  • Keep multiple ice packs in the freezer.
  • Keep cash in a safe and consistent place.
  • Keep as much clotting factor and supplies on hand as your insurance will allow.
  • Take clotting factor and supplies with you when you leave home.
  • Keep important phone numbers (Hemophilia Treatment Center [HTC], homecare company, physicians, insurance, emergency department) in multiple locations: on the fridge, in your wallet, on your child's car seat, in school/work bags, in your go-bag, and with your car registration papers.
  • Teach extended family and friends how to infuse, as circumstances may require others to infuse the patient.
  • Keep a family manual—a reference notebook with pertinent medical information, directions on mixing and infusing clotting factor, maps of the area for the HTC/hospital, important phone numbers, diagnosis and treatment regimens, and location of backup HTC.
  • Keep an infusion log and take it with you in case you must evacuate your area.
  • Keep a go-bag/small suitcase of factor and supplies packed at all times so it is easy to grab and go.
  • Rotate supplies regularly in line with expiration dates.
  • Program 1-800-42-HANDI (1-800-424-2634) into your phone in case you need information on available HTCs in areas to which you may have to evacuate.
  • Contact your local emergency management office or public health department for information on shelter-in-place and other safety procedures for your area.

Vehicle Safety

  • Ensure that everyone wears a seatbelt.
  • Install car seats properly.
  • Always carry a first aid kit, blankets, and other roadside emergency supplies.
  • Attach an emergency information card to all child car seats; keep one in your wallet and glove compartment.
  • Ensure you have adequate fuel in vehicle prior to evacuation.

Evacuation Essentials

You should always be ready for an emergency. Be prepared: assemble an emergency supply kit, develop your emergency plans, stay informed, and be involved in helping your family. Families can cope with disaster by preparing in advance and working together as a team.

  • Carry both clotting factor and an infusion kit with you.
  • Store clotting factor in a container that will keep it cool.
  • Stock the infusion kit with: syringes, needles, gauze, alcohol wipes, tourniquet, and bandages.
  • Gather emergency supplies such as water, food, and emergency supplies kit.
  • Take list of Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTC).
  • Carry other medicine you or other family members take.